Registration: For the 2025 season will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, and 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 20, in the Hibbing Early Learning Center cafeteria. Cash or check required.
Please contact a board member if you're unable to attend one of the registration dates.
Deadline: To register for all age levels is Friday, Feb. 28.
Forms: Updated forms will be posted on the website under the "forms tab" in the near future.
Price Breakdown:
• Tykes (ages 4-5)
- Registration, $75
- Raffle tickets, $50
- TOTAL = $125
• Transition (ages 6-7)
- Registration, $75
- Raffle tickets, $50
- TOTAL = $125
• Minor League (ages 8-10)
- Registration, $125
- Raffle tickets, $75
- DIBS (volunteer deposit), $75
- TOTAL = $275
• Little League (ages 10-12)
- Registration, $150
- Raffle Tickets, $75
- DIBS (volunteer deposit), $75
- TOTAL = $300
• IRB (ages 13-14)
- Registration, $200
- Raffle tickets, $100
- TOTAL = $300